Personal injuries can occur at any moment and at any location. Having the knowledge and support team during such a traumatic and life altering incident can make all the difference. Hazen Law Firm is here to be your guiding light, complete an intake form below to get started today.

Personal Injury Law 101

Stage 1: The Incident:

It all starts here. Whether it be a motor vehicle accident, a slip and fall, or a dog attack. Due to the negligence of another individual or multiple individuals, you were injured.

Stage 2: Medical Treatment

Prompt and reasonable medical treatment following a personal injury is paramount. This not only builds your case but more importantly, it addresses your injuries.

Stage 3: Liability

In every incident, there is a victim and there are those who’s acts or omissions constitute negligence. Investigating and arguing this point is crucial to a case.

Stage 4: Collection of Medical Billing & Records

Upon completion of treatment for your injuries. The medical billing and records create the evidence necessary to prove a client’s damages in a case.

Stage 5: The Demand

After every piece of evidence has been gathered and reviewed, a formal Demand Packet is created and sent out to begin negotiations for a hopeful settlement of a case.

Stage 6: Negotiation

Once a Demand Packet has been sent, both sides begin negotiating toward a hopeful settlement of the case. This is where an Attorney’s true talents are tested and proven.

Stage 7: Settlement

The most optimal outcome of any case, both sides have agreed on a settlement where all involved parties can move past the incident and the damages it caused.


Stage 7: Lawsuit

The final battleground! Party versus Party working toward hopeful resolution by settlement or trial by a jury of one’s own peers. There can only be one winner in the end!

*Although no case follows any direct timeline or path, we hope this page will allow a glimpse of what you can expect as your case progresses from open to close.

Still have questions? Don’t worry we’re here to make things transparent and easy to understand!

  • There are no upfront costs to any client in a personal injury matter. That being said, each case has its own fees and costs which will come from any possible settlement or judgment reached. The settlement or judgment funds typically come from insurance carriers. At the end of the process, there will be a pot of money of which every cost and fee must be deducted from. Each case is different, however, and must be handled accordingly. Examples of costs and fees typically applicable in a personal injury case are as follows:

    • Attorney Fees (35% pre-litigation OR 40% if a lawsuit is filed)

    • Case Costs and Expenses

    • Medical Treatment Costs

    • Health Insurance Liens

    • Other Liens or expenses (varies case to case)

  • Each case has its own unique factors dependent on the injuries sustained, medical treatment rendered, future medical treatment necessitated, diligence in seeking medical treatment for injuries, lost wages, and other varying factors encompassed in pain and suffering. It is impossible to provide any particular dollar amount or even range of recovery until a case is near completion. Rest assured the skilled attorneys of Hazen Law Firm are motivated to get you as much as possible in your pocket at the end of your case after all medical providers, lien claimants, and attorney fee and costs/expenses are taken into consideration.

  • Each case has its own unique process heavily dependent on the facts and law in place as well as the ebbs and flow of the process. A case is akin to a chess match, full of moves and countermoves. Therefore, each case’s timeline is its own. Therefore, it is impossible to dictate how long a given case will take from open to close. Rest assured that Hazen Law Firm’s experienced attorneys are working diligently to resolve your case as efficiently as possible.

  • The art of negotiation is a carefully orchestrated process and unique in every case. It also does not help that the insurance claims process is complex. A case can escalate from negotiation to necessitating filing of a lawsuit in a matter of hours. Hazen Law Firm’s skilled and experienced attorneys are trained to conduct negotiation and if needed to litigate on behalf of our clients in order to get them the compensation they deserve.

  • An attorney’s role in a personal injury case is to locate a pot of money as a source of recovery in a case, confirm liability in a matter, and to proceed with working the case in a manner to ensure that the client receives maximum recovery from their personal injury case. Attorneys are also here to advocate and represent the interests of the client to the fullest extent the law provides to ensure that an otherwise complex and strenuous process is simplified and handled in an efficient and steadfast manner.

  • An attorney’s role in a personal injury case is to locate a pot of money as a source of recovery in a case, confirm liability in a matter, and to proceed with working the case in a manner to ensure that the client receives maximum recovery from their personal injury case. Attorneys are also here to advocate and represent the interests of the client to the fullest extent the law provides to ensure that an otherwise complex and strenuous process is simplified and handled in an efficient and steadfast manner.

  • You will hear from your attorney fairly regularly throughout the span of your case. Typically, communication via email, mail, text, or telephone call will be initiated approximately every thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days. Communications may be more frequent dependent on the stage of the case or in the event there are updates to the case. If you are curious about the status of your case or wish to get an update, you are free to reach out to your attorney at any time.

  • Although there are certain times when an attorney may terminate representation in a case, a client has the unilateral power to hire and fire legal counsel as they wish. Attorneys serve at the pleasure of the client. If a client is not satisfied in how their case is being handled, they may terminate representation and seek out other legal counsel to proceed with their case. However, should legal representation be terminated due to no blatant fault of the attorney, the attorney may reserve the right to a lien interest in any recovered amount in a case. Review your contract for legal representation carefully to see if a previously hired attorney reserves the right to a lien in your matter.